Regular Member
Could this be so ? You decide http://www.military.com/video/opera...w-ted-nugent-avoided-the-draft/1581347852001/ , I am Shocked at the names mentioned here .
I'm not a fan of Ted Nugent, but:
The draft is a form of slavery. Especially because the modern military has nothing to do with defending the country or Constitution, I won't begrudge anyone for attempting to evade involuntary servitude.
The draft was a shameful symptom of the general population's indifference. We had to force men to do their duty? I'd die of shame.
Who would wait to get drafted when offered the opportunity to serve was so generously offered?
I'm not a fan of Ted Nugent, but:
The draft is a form of slavery. Especially because the modern military has nothing to do with defending the country or Constitution, I won't begrudge anyone for attempting to evade involuntary servitude.
Agreed. I don't have a problem with someone desiring to not die in slavery to government. What I do have a problem with are people who dodge the draft and then seek to or are open to imposing a draft when they are in office. Those people are the true scumbags.
I like the IDF, Israeli Defense Force, you go in, no matter who you are. I would love to see that here.
or are those who dont fight for freedom, freeloaders?
Right, the news is merely a set of opinions from the same direction, usually left. No different really, than the little tabloid papers at the checkout in the grocery store.
Yes, what ungrateful malcontent would turn down the generously-offered opportunity to go die in some god-forsaken country, in an unconstitutional, undeclared war, for the sake and in the service of the military-industrial complex and certain foreign governments?
If you believe that young men should happily and gladly march off to wherever their leaders fancy, I would remind you that National Socialism, and the fuhrerprinzip, have been thoroughly discredited...
ETA: Your signature reveals that you thoroughly misunderstand Gandhi's philosophy; not that he was a man worthy of admiration, anyway...
I dont consider it slavery. Maybe if people were taught some pride, and to respect the flag as they do in the service, the country would be worth more, and more would get involved. Shoot, just making people dress neatly, pick up after themselves, and know that there is a reason for having a place for everything and some order to life, would do the country some good.
Some countries have more freedom than ours.