Regular Member
Apparently it depends who you ask. I was way up in Northern NH last weekend, and did some target shooting. I brought up the topic of Open Carry with a local and he said that open carry creates more anti gunners than supporters of the right to carry both concealed or openly. He also stated that he was a retired NH state police officer. (Apparently I have a problem with running into retired cops, Seebrook Sam's Club?) He wasn't up for a debate, but I didn't agree with his statement. He basically said it just creates more trouble, but I told him that's the problem. People have become so accustomed to not seeing people carrying guns, and being spoon fed the lies the media spits out, that when they see someone like me carrying a gun, they freak out and make a B-line for the nearest cop, manager, etc. I pointed to the southern part of the country where guns are more common and accepted than here in the north, and where people don't get as scared of guns because they are more of a part of southern life in America. Not long after that we wrapped things up and went our separate ways, and yes I left with my gun still being displayed openly in it's holster.