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Police seek charges against gun carrier with permit pending


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Is she not allowed to be armed during this time? I'm assuming she just doesn't have access to THAT firearm anymore. I'd be amazed if one of the locals hasn't made sure she is rearmed by now.

Think I recall that during a prior fiasco that she acquired a 2nd carry gun.


Regular Member
Nov 1, 2010
Leesburg, GA
MKEGal, I wish you the best of luck.

I really hope things work out favorably. Try not to let the corrupt railroad you.

Herr Heckler Koch

Think I recall that during a prior fiasco that she acquired a 2nd carry gun.
At the court record cited above and here
she is prohibited use or possession of a weapon.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
SO, Milwaukee PD then has issued her a personal bodyguard during this time? Sweet!


Regular Member
Jul 6, 2008
Mountain Home, Idaho, USA
She should be allowed to call the judge to come over and make sure she is ok at two in the morning if she hears a noise, you know since the judge put a target on her back.

I'm sure the criminals feel safer now that there is one less armed law abiding citizen on the street.
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Regular Member
May 1, 2009
Cassville Area -Twelve Miles From Anything, Wiscon
Is she not allowed to be armed during this time? I'm assuming she just doesn't have access to THAT firearm anymore. I'd be amazed if one of the locals hasn't made sure she is rearmed by now.
Additional Text:
Not to possess or use any dangerous weapons.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Additional Text:

Not to possess or use any dangerous weapons.

Where did you find that? It does not show up on anything cited so far.

Not questioning the accuracy of the post, just asking where you found it.

stay safe.


Regular Member
May 1, 2009
Cassville Area -Twelve Miles From Anything, Wiscon


Regular Member
Mar 1, 2011
Silver Lake WI
Where did you find that? It does not show up on anything cited so far.

Not questioning the accuracy of the post, just asking where you found it.

stay safe.




Date Event Court Official Court Reporter
1 11-22-2011 Signature bond set Slagle, Barry Digital Tape Recording

Event Party Amount

Sutterfield, Krysta $ 1000.00

Additional Text:

Not to possess or use any dangerous weapons.



Regular Member
Mar 1, 2011
Silver Lake WI
It was in the link to her court appearance if you'd bothered to read it.

Skidmark.... Forgive davegran's off topic innuendo .... for it is possible he knows not to whom he speaks....

One of the few reasons (off topic innuendo) why ...

I am no longer here....


Brass Magnet

Founder's Club Member
Apr 23, 2009
Right Behind You!, Wisconsin, USA
How can they prohibit her from carrying a weapon when even if she were to be convicted, the conviction does not bar the use of said weapons?

I'd add this to the lawsuit. If this is a bail condition how could the condition legally be more strict than the conviction would allow?

Sent from my DROID X2 using Tapatalk


Regular Member
Oct 8, 2011
Milwaukee Wisconsin
They are holding the weapons she had with her, as "evidence". She was rearmed quickly after being released.

Krysta is in compliance with Magistrate Barry Slage's temporary order issued this afternoon:

"Not to possess or use any dangerous weapons."

939.22(10) "Dangerous weapon" means any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded; any device designed as a weapon and capable of producing death or great bodily harm; any ligature or other instrumentality used on the throat, neck, nose, or mouth of another person to impede, partially or completely, breathing or circulation of blood; any electric weapon, as defined in s. 941.295 (1c) (a); or any other device or instrumentality which, in the manner it is used or intended to be used, is calculated or likely to produce death or great bodily harm.

Let's NOT have a discussion here of how she can defend herself from bad guys, legally. Krysta has good training and a smart attorney, they will find a legal way.

She also has "homeland security" in the neighborhood, that may be able to respond quicker than a 911 call.
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Regular Member
Jul 6, 2008
Mountain Home, Idaho, USA
Krysta is now in compliance with today's temporary order.

"Not to possess or use any dangerous weapons."

Let's NOT have a discussion here of how she can defend herself from bad guys, legally. Krysta has good training and a smart attorney, they will find a way.

She also has "homeland security" in the neighborhood, that may be able to respond quicker than a 911 call.

You made me cry from laughter with that homeland security crap.........

Really she has those quick thinking cops that have nothing better to do than get those pesky criminals minding their own buisness using internet in their parked car.


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2010
in front of my computer, WI
DocWalker said:
Just because she didn't see it at first doesn't point to the fact it was concealed but to the fact the officer wasn't doing her job properly and not aware of her surroundings. The fact my client is a law abiding citizen and not a wanted hardened criminal is why officer "snuffy" is here today.
From your lips to God's ears.
Now if we can just get the NRA-ILA involved...

E6chevron said:
HandyHamlet said:
Now... where are these breasts? Pics or it didn't happen.
Let's stay on topic.
For most men, breasts are always on-topic.

MAC702 said:
SO, Milwaukee PD then has issued her a personal bodyguard during this time? Sweet!
I know someone I'd like to nominate...

skidmark said:
Where did you find that? It does not show up on anything cited so far.
Not questioning the accuracy of the post, just asking where you found it.
There should be a button toward the upper right of the information area that says something like "court info". Click on that & it'll show you a record of events.

Yes, I am temporarily a prohibited person.
Rebecca will be filing a motion with the real judge very soon in order to get the restriction lifted.

Meanwhile, this will make teaching nigh unto impossible, but I'll have to try because (despite months of looking & many applications) I have no other source of income.
Might just have to remove any handling of pistols from class, use pictures & not do the practical safety test.
Sure would make me feel better to know my students are able to safely unload... and I'd be allowed to stop them if they did something unsafe.

:arrow:please, please, please: donate if you can & circulate the email & link in my sig to others who might help.
If I had just 600 people giving $10 each the legal fees & loan from e6chevron would be paid off.
Nudging the NRA-ILA to get involved would also be helpful.

This will come down to 2 things:
1) she said, she said [cop, me] AFAIK no actual evidence exists to support her claim that my coat was over my pistol
2) the Milwaukee County DA insisting that old case law still applies & OC in a car is really cc

Senator Galloway & other major sponsors of what became Act 35 could help with the last by providing a clear statement of legislative intent & getting a statement from vanHollen that OC in a car is indeed legal per Act 35.
Apparently the DOJ FAQ saying that it's legal wasn't clear enough.
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Regular Member
Jan 8, 2010
in front of my computer, WI
E6chevron said:
Let's NOT have a discussion here of how she can defend herself from bad guys, legally.
For some bad guys, I have attorneys.
For other bad guys, well, I'm back to 'only' what I had before I bought my first pistol (minus the knives).
I'd better start practicing again.
It will be harder to stop an attack, & I'm more likely to get hurt.

E6 said:
She also has "homeland security" in the neighborhood, that may be able to respond quicker than a 911 call.
DocWalker said:
You made me cry from laughter with that homeland security crap...
Dave lives near enough that it's quite possible he could literally arrive before police.
911 on the house phone, Dave on the cell.


Regular Member
Oct 8, 2011
Milwaukee Wisconsin
WTMJ 4 6pm Nov. 22, 2011 initial court appearance

Court for woman charged in Milwaukee concealed weapons case

Here's the WTMJ4 story 5:14 am Nov. 22, 2011 Dianne Pathieu reporting


MILWAUKEE - A gun rights advocate was to head to a Milwaukee courtroom Tuesday after being charged with carrying a concealed weapon.

Krysta Sutterfield was arrested earlier in November outside Sherman Perk coffee shop in the Sherman Park neighborhood, where she was inside her car with a handgun while using a computer.

Police were seeking concealed weapons charges against her because they claim she didn't have the proper permit.

She claims she can carry her gun openly, and does not need a permit to have the gun in her car.

In the fall of 2010, she was arrested for wearing a gun in a Brookfield church.

No charges were filed in that case, and she won a settlement against the city.

The law clearly states that open carry in a car is not considered concealed carry.

Read the amazing last sentence in this report!

Also on MSNBC: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4539877...man-charged-milwaukee-concealed-weapons-case/

Woman charged for concealing gun in coffee house parking lot
They had a new video at 6:15pm. Nov. 22, 2011 Tom Murray reporting http://www.todaystmj4.com/news/local/134362523.html

MILWAUKEE- In a short appearance and with little debate, a court commissioner stripped Krysta Sutterfield, 42, of what is perhaps most important to her livelihood, her right to carry a gun.
"I think that the state is making an unreasonable request," Sutterfield's attorney, Rebecca Coffee, said in court.

Coffee said guns are not just a hobby for her client. She said Sutterfield earns a living teaching firearm safety courses.

Milwaukee police found Sutterfield parked outside the Sherman Perk coffee house after hours. According to a criminal complaint, Sutterfield told an officer she was not carrying a concealed weapon. But, the officer insists she could see 'the black handle of a handgun' tucked beneath Sutterfield's coat.

Police say Sutterfield was wearing a concealed, loaded Glock semi-automatic, like this one, and that they found two more handguns in the car.

"She absolutely was not trying to make an example out of herself in this case," Coffee said. "In fact, what she was doing that night when she was arrested was sitting in her car, not disturbing anybody, in a parking lot looking at the Internet."

Sutterfield said she applied for a conceal carry permit but has not yet received it.

Sutterfield stirred controversy last year when she carried a loaded gun into a Brookfield church. She was not charged with any crime for that case.

The misdemeanor charge Sutterfield faces carries a penalty of up to nine months in the House of Correction. She is not being held in jail while her case moves through court.

Woman arrested for carrying concealed weapon while in her car

Here is a Nov. 16, 2011 video Jermont Terry reporting


MILWAUKEE- A woman was arrested while sitting in her car and her gun was taken away.

Just a few weeks after concealed carry went into effect, Milwaukee Police arrested a woman they say broke the law by not having a permit. But she claims she wasn't hiding anything.

Last Friday night around midnight, police spotted a woman sitting outside Sherman Perk Coffee Shop in her car.

Bob Olin of Sherman Perk told TODAY'S TMJ, "I am familiar with her as a customer. Almost everytime she's been here that I can recall she's carried a gun openly."

Officers thought it was strange, so they approached her and soon discovered she had gun in the car.

The woman, identified as Krysta Sutterfield, has made headlines before, but for open carry. In July 2010, she caused a scare and was later arrested when she walked into Brookfield church with a gun by her side.

Krysta Sutterfield said "I'm sorry they were uncomfortable, that was not my intent, at most I thought it would engender some discussion."

But this time, officers claim the 42-year-old was concealing her weapon while siting in the car. They arrested her for not having a concealed carry permit.

Nik Clark of Wisconsin Carry told TODAY'S TMJ4 the cops crossed the line, saying, "It's concerning to us the MPD made an arrest in this situation based upon the concealed carry issue."

Clark argues Sutterfield wasn't trying to conceal the weapon, and open carry rights don't end once you get in a car.

The DA's office is reviewing the case to see what, if any,
charges this woman can face.
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Regular Member
Dec 18, 2008
SO, Milwaukee PD then has issued her a personal bodyguard during this time? Sweet!

I'll take 10:1 odds that she can shoot better than MPD.

Meanwhile, this will make teaching nigh unto impossible, but I'll have to try because (despite months of looking & many applications) I have no other source of income.
Might just have to remove any handling of pistols from class, use pictures & not do the practical safety test.
Sure would make me feel better to know my students are able to safely unload... and I'd be allowed to stop them if they did something unsafe.

If you need someone to help you show people how to handle firearms, you have my contact info.


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2010
in front of my computer, WI
A couple news videos. How many errors can you find (written & spoken)?

"Sutterfield told an officer she was not carrying a concealed weapon. But, the officer insists she could see 'the black handle of a handgun' tucked beneath Sutterfield's coat."

"Police Officers stopped and questioned her since it was after hours, they then arrested her when they noticed she had a holstered gun."
"was arrested before concealed carry was legal in Wisconsin"
"It's a class A felony that carries up to nine months in jail."