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NC OC experience reports


Regular Member
May 29, 2010
Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA
Quick who is running against Deborah Ross and Holliman...we need to know the good guys to pull for, not just the bad guys...Thanks

District 38 (Ross)
Madison E. Shook (Wake) (R)
1801 Diploma Ct. 204, Raleigh, NC 27606 919-571-3466

District 81 (Holliman)
Rayne Brown (Davidson) (R)
416 Lee Ave., Lexington, NC 27295 336-249-2608


Regular Member
Oct 16, 2009
This is my first time posting. I have been doing a lot of reading so I have a lot of questions to begin my oc journey. First question is how could the Leo take your gun if you continued to chat with them?

Apparently it is for "officer safety" as if I'm going to wig out mid conversation and draw on them, I don't know.

But since I wasn't cool with a stranger whose firearm experience is an unknown factor handling my cocked and locked 45, I made the decision not to enter into the conversation.

Unfortunately I'm sure this offended them, which wasn't my intention.

I'm not out to give them a hard time sticking up for my rights any more than they are out to give me a hard time by citing me for a traffic offense. If I'm speeding I probably deserve a ticket. If there is no probable cause or reasonably articulable suspicion of a crime then I will politely ask to be excused. Never get loud or angry, and saying less is better than saying too much.


Regular Member
Jul 2, 2010
Clayton, NC
But since I wasn't cool with a stranger whose firearm experience is an unknown factor handling my cocked and locked 45, I made the decision not to enter into the conversation.

The right call for multiple reasons, IMO. I'd have no problem talking, but if they wanted to take it during that time, the conversation would be over.


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2010
burlington NC.
OC report

I went to Graham today and left my gun in the car, not because i don't know my right's it's because they make the law so vague. It was a carnival / car show / religious music / food / vender's / . So would that count as a " parade or of the such " They had road's shut down and it was run by the town. Only saw 1 cop and he was showing of " HIS " brand new car paid for by tax payers money to probably just pull you over for going 5 mph. over the limit. I know some answer's already, didn't have to pay to get in, no alcohol served, all that good stuff. But can you be sure what they consider against the law when it come's to OC.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
But since I wasn't cool with a stranger whose firearm experience is an unknown factor handling my cocked and locked 45, I made the decision not to enter into the conversation.

The only thing worse than giving an LEO a cocked and locked 1911 (which the VAST majority of LEOs under the age of 40 have probably NEVER handled, and therefore don't know it's manual of arms), would be to give an LEO a loaded Glock.

The reason I say it would be MORE dangerous to give a cop a Glock is because they have a historically proven track record over the last 20 years of LEOs having HUNDREDS of NDs with their own Glocks, injuring themselves, others, and even resulting in "accidental deaths". DC Metro's ND stats, the first three years they had Glocks routinely broke the 100 mark. And in MD, LEOs kill a few people (and injure DOZENS) every year due to "accidental discharges"...

The interesting thing is that with LEO-perpetrated Glock NDs resulting in death or injury, the VAST Majority of them are in states that are vehemently anti-gun, like DC, MD, NY, and CA... Hmmmm... Wonder why THAT is?...)

At least with a 1911, you've got a 50/50 chance that they won't shoot something, because they might be smart enough to not try and do anything with the safety or trigger.

With a Glock, in the hand of an LEO, history shows us that it's almost a guarantee that they're going to shoot SOMETHING if they are handling it under stress... :banghead:
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Regular Member
Sep 12, 2010
Colfax, NC
I had a guy pull his taurus out of his truck door to show me at a gas station one time. He didn't point it or anything but I could kinda tell he was just excited and using poor judgement. I kindly told him he was breaking the law and quickly got in my car and left.

Lifting the shirt to show me a holstered gun would cause much less concern!

I would think there would be the concern of someone or a camera seeing him lift his shirt to show you a gun. Without being in the conversation it could be taken as him trying to rob you or threaten you in some sort of way. My opinion is if its concealed, keep it concealed unless use is required. Just my 2 cents.


Regular Member
Sep 12, 2010
Colfax, NC
Kernersville Wilco @ Old Winston & Main

About the end of July I OC'd inside this Wilco Gas Station and walked back to and grabbed a couple of Mountain Dews, grabbed some gum and got to the register. Sat my items down and had my cash in hand ready to pay. At this time there was nothing posted on the door and I'm not sure if it has changed now or not as I have not been back there. As she is ringing the items up she asked if that was a real gun on my side. I replied "yes ma'am". Her next sentence was "You're not supposed to have that in here". I looked at the door again and asked here where her Prohibited sign was posted and she replied that it was not necessary to be posted. My next sentence was "It is my constitutional right to bear arms, NC is an open-carry state, I broke no laws since her store wasn't posted, to please take my money since I wasn't robbing her, and to follow up on her store's policies when she had the free time". I paid for my things and left but am not sure how things have went there since. But I honestly think she was just an ANTI and wanted to push her agenda on that day. This has been my only memorable exerience since I started OC'ing.


Regular Member
Jul 2, 2010
Clayton, NC
They aren't required to have it posted, but in that case you aren't trespassing until you are asked to leave and refuse. I see nothing wrong with that situation, she could have asked you to leave and refused to sell you the items, in which case you would have had to leave. However, if she was willing to sell you the items, it would be tough to prove a trespassing charge IMO.


Regular Member
Jul 2, 2010
Clayton, NC
While at the range yesterday, I got the chance to shoot a suppressed MP5 and a Thompson ("Tommy Gun"). Prior to this, I had never shot a machine gun/submachine gun, so it was a great experience. I personally preferred the Thompson, but both were fun. He also had an M60, which I did not get to shoot.

I got to talking to him afterwards, and he said he liked to let others fire them because there was such a stigma around machine guns in general. At this point, I got to talking about how I carry open, and that trying to eliminate that stigma was part of the reason I do it. He didn't know it was legal in NC, and unfortunately I didn't have any NC Gun Rights fliers with me. Also, the two guys I went to the range with decided to OC when we ate after leaving, which they don't normally do. All around, a very good day.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Winston Salem, NC
New To Forum

Finally found a web site dealing with NC gun carry. Thanks for the information. I started at page one and read all ten pages of posts....and I have a couple of questions.

#1 I live in Forsythe county. I didn't read any posts regarding OC in this area. Do any of you have any stories, concerns, warnings or advise?

#2 Read the post by I think Smith45acp in regards to the "incident" in downtown Raleigh. A law officer sees your gun, wants to talk to you, and for his safety wants to "hold" on to it. I understand you didn't want to give him your locked and loaded 1911 so as to keep everyone safe. Would it be wrong or dangerous to state..."sure but let me unload and safe the gun first"? Which I know this could be a very sticky situation with you going for your gun. Would there be a right way to do this or would they just reach and take the gun since he already had your right hand inmobilized?

Personal information. I received my first gun when I was 8 or 9 and I have owned guns ever since. I OC once last year when I came out of the deer woods and had to go by work (private company and the two owners are CCP holders). Which brings me to a couple other questions...

#3 I currently do not have a CWP but plan on getting one as soon as I find work...along with a small pistol...a Kel Tec P-11. Anyway...until then is having a pistol on my hip under the seatbelt considered concealed? Do I have to place it in the open (which would be out of reach in the van)? Ideas?

#4 If we go out to eat and I have to remove my weapon, where can I place it in the van and it not be considered concealed? I would think the center console would be a no-no unless that is okay when I am not in the van. I would not want to leave the weapon "in the open" while I am not there for obvious theft. I know this won't be a problem once I can "conceal" the weapon. I would like to hear your 2 cents.

WAshington Red Bear


New member
Mar 19, 2009
, ,
welcome to the forum, I also live in Forsyth county and OC all the time where legal. I had no issues as of yet, that were negative. I do have a ccp and cc in the winter because of obviouse reasons. The question about where to leave a gun in the vehicle when you cant carry. I would still put it out of sight while Im not in there then put it back on my hip after I come back to the vehicle. I wouldnt worry about the seat belt issue. Dont be afraid to bear your arms.


Regular Member
Jul 2, 2010
Clayton, NC
Welcome to the forum, WARedBear.

#1- I don't know.

#2- You can ask, but it's probably a waste of time. Simply tell the police officer "I do not consent to your illegal seizure of my gun, but will not physically resist." To be honest, I'd rather he did it than me-reduces my liability, no way he can "flinch" or something and shoot me because he 'thought I was making a move.' If he gives you the option of ending the conversation, or continuing and him taking your gun, walk away.

#3- Maybe/maybe not. I've always heard to place it on the dash/seat when you get pulled. You don't have to keep it there all the time, just make sure it's clearly visible before the police come up. Then place your hands plainly on the wheel, inform about the pistol, etc. All of this may or may not be required by law, but it seems to be pretty universal advice.

#4- I'm in a hurry, and all of this is from memory so don't take it for gospel. I believe to be concealed, it must be on or about your person. You can keep it in your vehicle, and it can be concealed with or without a CHP when you are not in the vehicle.


Regular Member
Oct 16, 2009
Any LEO who wants to take possession of your firearm during any kind of encounter is not going to be ok with you manipulating it first. If they are on my driver's side and the pistol is on my passenger seat, I am not handing it to him or her! They can figure out how to pick it up if they insist on holding it during say, a traffic stop. Which I can understand more than a chat on the sidewalk.


Regular Member
Jan 30, 2010
Fayetteville NC
welcome WARedBear
few months ago i was driving from my friends house late at night around 1 Am ish. the streets where empty when i got pulled over by a state trooper, for my tail light being out. my gun was in my passenger seat. black seat black gun, anyways. i put one hand out the window one hand on the wheel. i was really nervous because it was my first time. when the trooper got about have way to my car i looked back at him out the window, and said.

me: officer, for your information i have a weapon in the car.
officer: he stopped, where is it?
me: passenger seat
officer: is it legal?
me: yes sir
officer: im going to go around to the passenger side. is your door locked?
me: yes
officer: can you unlock it please.
me: yes sir
he gos around and opens the door.
Officer: do i have your permission to put the weapon in my car tell where finished?

i thought, may as well say yes. because i can see hes a bit nervous. lol
he toke the weapon put it in his car, then he came around and asked for my driver license and registration, toke it to his car for about 15 min.

two police cars pull up and turn there flashers on. they chat for about 5 min. i can see one of the cops shacking his head while the trooper is talking. lol. i was like thats not good. lol the police cars leave. the officer comes up to my passenger side again. (my window was open)

officer: im going to put the weapon back in your seat.

me: ok

he puts the gun, magazine, and bullet from the chamber in my seat.

walks back around to my side hands me my papers and a warning for my tail light being out.
he says thank you for warning me about he weapon and have a good night.

its a bit long lol, but i wanted to paint the picture clearly. i feel vary confident driving with my gun in the passenger seat now.

Edit ** i dont have a ccp
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New member
Mar 19, 2009
, ,
I have driven through some licence checks and told the officer I have a ccp ( which I believe is law in NC) and none of them gave a damn. Funny. They really couldnt care any less. Which is good.


Regular Member
Feb 20, 2010
Greenville, NC, ,
One of the reasons why officers want to ask for your gun, is so they can run the numbers on the gun to "make sure its not stolen." What happens here is your gun, and your personal information (address, name, etc) are entered into a database. Think we don't have gun registration?

If an officer asks for your sidearm because he "will feel safer," then inform the officer that you are a law abiding citizen, and that the gun is perfectly safe where it is. Also state that you do not give permission to hand the gun over, but that you will not physically resist. If he still wants to take the gun, than he just opened up a whole can of worms for violated your 4th amendment rights (personal safety of the officer does not constitute RAS for taking someone's gun).

The only time a gun can go 'boom,' is when someone is handling it. If said officer hasn't had any training in the gun (which more than likely he won't - think 1911 style guns) there is a increased chance that there will be a ND.

Never, ever, give your gun willingly to someone you don't trust. If it's an officer, than don't resist them taking the gun, but make sure you have at least an audio recording going during the entire altercation. We live in a single party consent state, so you do NOT have to inform the officer that he is being recorded.

Also, you do not have to inform the officer that there is a weapon on the seat for the following reasons:
-you do not have a CCP
-the gun is in plain sight (even though its dark - you can turn a light on)

Just make sure you put both hands on either the wheel or the door with the window all the way down (which you did).


Regular Member
Jul 2, 2010
Clayton, NC
I haven't been pulled over while speeding, but I would probably also put it on the passenger seat. Of course, this becomes sort of a problem if anyone is sitting in the passenger seat. My dash is curved, so that's not a great option.


Regular Member
Sep 18, 2010
Last week I bought my new S&W M&P .40 cal and went to pick it up at the forever now un-named place of business (sorry, no free advertising especially after what happened...). While I was purchasing the gun, I was in conversation with the employee and we were talking about the recent shooting in the hospital up north (I want to say Baltimore or DC but can't remember right now...).

During the conversation he shook his head and commented about how the hospital was a no-gun area and that "if OC had been allowed the shooter might not have been able to kill so many". Nodding in agreement and handing over the cash, we shook hands and I was on my way.

Fast forward two days, I took my son to the same place to break in the new gun at their indoor range with about 300 rds or so. While heading inside, I saw the same sales guy outside and he noticed the gun on my hip in a holster. He stopped me and informed me that I had to take the magazine out and lock the slide to the rear before I went inside. As I was doing it (didn't want to disappoint my son by being denied access to the range at that point) I asked "hey wasn't it you and I that were just discussing OC the other day? Why would your store hamstring people by making them unload before going inside?"

His response was "don't worry, there's enough employees inside that carry that can protect the customers if anything were to happen. It's just for our safety and peace of mind."

I then said "Do you often rely on others for your protection?"

He kinda laughed and said "well, I guess I can see the irony of it, but it's our owner's policy"

'nuff said. Like I mentioned before, I was more interested in getting to the range and shooting then arguing a point with this guy anyway.

I was just kind of amazed that, even in an environment where OC is supported in theory, there still remains that little bit of hesitation in practice within some people and businesses.

BTW, the gun shot beautifully and without any snags at all. I love this thing and glad the coin landed on heads the day I was trying to decide between the S&W and the Glock :)