Regular Member
Taco Bell, WalMart, CVS. All places I've carried before, no problems.
Sultan62, actually it is NOT illegal to carry in the town of Cary. We have had a few meetings inside Cary to prove it. I have also carried personally many times inside of Cary. The parking lot in front of the ABC store does not qualify under Cary's restrictions of public streets or sidewaks, or government property. Many ABC stores share the parking lot with other private businesses.
Unfortunately, a lot of people do not notice that private and public streets do not usually pertain to parking lots in front of businesses. This is what Cary is hoping for. Admittedly, I do not know how this pertains to inside the ABC store, but if there are private business, such as clothing, food, sport stores or restaurants, the parking lot is fair game.
Yes you are correct. I have talked to several so called pro gun people that are just plain scared to OC, then they tell the same ole "its better people dont know you have it BS" when you know for a fact they are scared. Or "its a grey area" . How many people OC at the rally Sat. that will never in a million years go about OC in everyday lives. I bet a bunch.
It is very much legal, and without fail the common law "Going Armed to the Terror of the People" is cited against. Many anti-OCers or uneducated people will say that this leaves too much interpretation to the police, and that they can arrest you any time someone makes an MWAG call. This is not true, and there are multiple conditions that must be satisfied in order to arrest on the GAttTotP charge.
I stopped by the Harris Teeter in High Point last night pretty late and ended up having a short convo about OC with my cashier. She was thinking about getting a gun and asked about carry laws. My girlfriend was with me and I think she was a little bummed we haven't gotten an OC holster for her Bersa yet.
Well, actually is IS true that an "anti" LEO CAN, in fact, arrest you for GAttTotP, or for jaywalking, or for "mopery with intent to creep" if he doesn't like your look or attitude. They CAN arrest you for ANYTHING or nothing at all, and they'll just make something up for the citation...
The COURTS, however, have a very difficult time CONVICTING you of a crime you didn't commit, so most Prosecutors and Magistrates will just dismiss the charges.
Download the "NC Gun Rights" flyer and carry a few in your back pocket when you OC. People appreciate something in writing...