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NC OC experience reports


Regular Member
Jul 2, 2010
Clayton, NC
Wow. I won't lie, I don't know enough to distinguish all the 1911s, but a sig, glock, or 9mm? Really? Granted there are 9mm "1911s" out there, though I don't consider a 9mm a 1911.

My XD's been mistaken for a glock (at least it's another polymer) but then I've only been carrying for a couple of months.

Carried at Taco Bell and Advance Auto Parts. Went to the movies to see Expendables and couldn't carry it in.

On a side note: How do you like the Para? And have you tried the any of the Para sc .45s?


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
On a side note: How do you like the Para? And have you tried the any of the Para sc .45s?

My next .45 will be another Para. Probably one of the new LDAs, but I've been looking at the single-stack subcompacts they make too...

I love my Para, but I must put the caveat that is it NOT anywhere near a "box stock" model. It's a custom-built firearm, built on a Para "gunsmith frame", with a lightly used slide and barrel, Ed Brown internals and controls, a custom trigger, Wilson springs, and custom rosewood grips. And it was built by one fo the best 1911 smiths in the country--Wayne Novak...

And the next Para I buy will also start it's life with me by taking a trip to WV to visit Wayne's magical shop for a thorough "fluff and buff"...


Regular Member
Jul 2, 2010
Clayton, NC
I fully intend to get a 1911, though it won't be for awhile. I have no intention of buying a cheap one just to have one, and cannot currently spend the money to get a good one. I will likely do a custom job, with some focus on aesthetics, but I tend to think along the lines of "form follows function."


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
Look at Rock Island Armory 1911's. They are very nicely made, and can often be had new for well under $500.

And since it's a 1911, if you decide in a year or two that you want to customize it, they are a lot of qualified gunsmiths that can work on them, because they are standard GI-spec 1911s...

My Para, OTOH, is a bit of an odd bird, and that's part of the reason I sent it to Novak's. They aren't just one of the best 1911 shops in the country--they also are one of the ONLY 1911 shops that actually enjoy working on Para's (and do a damn good job at it!)...
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Regular Member
Jul 2, 2010
Clayton, NC
I would like to do some customization when I get one. It may be a carry weapon, but I doubt it at this point. If it's not, I'm considering a long slide version. Haven't shot one yet, and that would be a requirement before I'd consider buying.


Regular Member
Apr 14, 2009
High Point, North Carolina, United States
I gots me a one of dem fancy 9mm 1911

well...I have to finish paying for it.

Its a gsg 1911 in .22

Range gunnnnn =D

But anywho they do make 1911's in 9mm for the guys defense....but when <bold>I</bold> a 1911 i think 45
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Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
But anywho they do make 1911's in 9mm for the guys defense....but when <bold>I</bold> a 1911 i think 45

Yeah, and the funny thing is, Para makes several of the finest 9mm 1911's on the market...

But I doubt this guy knew it was a Para, (since the Serpa covers the slide markings) and I REALY doubt he would know a Para 9mm if he saw one anyone. They are pretty rare, and generally only Para nuts (like me) even know they exist...


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
Back to the main thread, of OC reports in NC...

Coming out of Lowes today (bought a new cloth buffer wheel for finishing the steel on a sword guard before re-bluing it this weekend...) I was putting some stuff in the back of the HHR, and a guy hops out of a big truck in the next parking spot, and says to me, "What are you packin' today?"...

The guy looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place him. So I tell him about my firearm, and casually launched into the "NC is an OC state... blah blah blah..."

He says "yes I know." and sticks out his hand, saying "I'm Don Dixon, and I'm running for Sheriff of Beaufort County."

THAT's why he looked familiar. I've seen his face on the billboard between Greenville and Washington on 264...

So we talk a bit about county politics, and about the shallow staffing in the Sheriff's dept., and about some of the laws that need changed. He told me, "I wish EVERY law-abiding person in the county would get a CHP and carry--people should know that we (meaning LEOs) can't be everywhere all the time."

And I said, I wished everyone who could do so legally would just OC, because when we CC, we look like all the other unarmed "soft targets".

And he says, "yeah, I guess you're right. When you CC, then you're more likely to have to pull the trigger..."

And I said that's my theory, and I'm sticking to it. Even though I have 2 CC permits, I OC most of the time--especially on sweltering, humid days like today...

We shook hands again, and went on our way.

I'm don't want to sound like I'm campaigning for him, but he seemed like a pretty good guy, and seemed to be pro-2A and even pro-OC.

But then again, he IS running for office, and he did seem to be the kind of guy who can think quickly on his feet and tailor his speech to the audience... ;)

I'll have to look more into his website.

But it was a VERY positive encounter all in all. I didn't even have to give him a flyer... :D
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Regular Member
Jul 20, 2007
Lake Normanopolis, NC
Yeah, and the funny thing is, Para makes several of the finest 9mm 1911's on the market...

But I doubt this guy knew it was a Para, (since the Serpa covers the slide markings) and I REALY doubt he would know a Para 9mm if he saw one anyone. They are pretty rare, and generally only Para nuts (like me) even know they exist...

I have a Para Lite Hawg9 (all steel) that I use in IDPA. Just love it!

Oh, and the Lite is not light being all steel...



Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
I had to go to the local SuddenLink (cable) office today to get a new DVR for our the room we are renting in the house. When I got to the door, I notices a sign that said "Concealed Weapons Are Prohibited in this Office"

Since I was (as usual) OCing my Para in my tan Serpa, I just walked on in, and walked up to the desk. The clerk didn't mention it. I got the DVR, and took it home--no issue...

Until we let it run for a few hours...

Then it started clicking and making funny beeping noises, and would,t change channels.

So, it's 4:45 (they close at 5pm), and I'm about 10 minutes away...

I disconnect it, put it in the car, and drive back to SuddenLink, OCing the whole time. I was polite, and businesslike, and they swapped it out for me.

The second DVR seems to be working just fine.


Regular Member
Jul 2, 2010
Clayton, NC
Sometime last month I had to go get labs done at a local hospital satellite facility. I got to the door and saw the 'no concealed weapons' sign. I wasn't exactly sure what to do, but I figured it was safe so I just walked in.

I thought that since it would just be trespassing and not a weapons-related charge, I just had to (very specifically) follow the rule.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
Some places, when they post a "no concealed weapons", mean exactly that--OC is OK, but they don't want people hiding the fact that they have a gun.

But I think that MOST places that put up "No Concealed Weapons" actually mean NO GUNS PERIOD, and they just don't realize that OC is perfectly legal in NC...

When I see those signs, I just make sure I'm OCing, and have a few flyers in my pocket...

Technically, they can't even get you on a "trespassing" charge unless they ask you to leave and you refuse, if you're OCing an the sign says "No Concealed Weapons". I don't think there is a judge or Prosecutor in the state (with the possible exception of Wake County) that would even consider taking that case...


Regular Member
Jul 2, 2010
Clayton, NC
I was a couple of miles from the Wake/Johnston County border. I was on, in my opinion, the right side of the line. (JoCo)


Regular Member
Aug 20, 2010
Clayton, NC
Super Walmart with Grocery

New to the forum and have been reading experiences regarding OC'ing in WalMart across the the State (NC). Reading the NC Flyer for OC, how do fellow OC'ers get by the "Selling and Consuming of Alcohol" restriction in the NC Statutes? Am I to assume they are not going into Super WalMarts or not going into the grocery area of the store, where alcohol is sold?


Regular Member
Dec 31, 2009
Occupied Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
New to the forum and have been reading experiences regarding OC'ing in WalMart across the the State (NC). Reading the NC Flyer for OC, how do fellow OC'ers get by the "Selling and Consuming of Alcohol" restriction in the NC Statutes? Am I to assume they are not going into Super WalMarts or not going into the grocery area of the store, where alcohol is sold?

Because Wal-Mart does not sell alcohol for the purpose of consumption on their premises. That is the key. You can go into any Wal-Mart, or any grocery store for that matter, and fill up your shopping cart with beer & wine if you so choose, and you have broken no laws. I do my grocery shopping mostly at Food Lion & Wal-Mart, though I do sometimes go to Harris Teeter or Lowes. I have purchased alcohol at all of those stores while open carrying.

Selling alcohol "for the purpose of consumption" really is referring to restaurants where alcohol is sold. Unfortunately we have an archaic law here that prevents one from being (lawfully) armed while in the majority of restaurants (since the majority of sit-down restaurants serve alcohol nowadays). Many states up & down the eastern seaboard allow carrying a weapon in such a restaurant. Hopefully we can get the law changed (updated). Apparently our state legislators (IDIOTS, mostly) have never heard of Luby's Cafeteria.

PS - Welcome to Open Carry.org... I too am technically a northerner. I'm from suburban Detroit originally, but I have long since departed the armpit of Michigan for the greener pastures of North Carolina, where I plan to stay :D

So I guess you could say that I am Northern by birth, but Southern by choice ;)
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Regular Member
Aug 20, 2010
Clayton, NC
Thanks Sultan62.

Starting OC'ing about a month ago. Still some places in the Clayton/Wilson areas I still get nervous OC'ing. Clayton D&D, Starbucks, Hudsons, and local Recycle Center with no problems. Was at Red Barn last week and an older customer said, if he had seen my pistol, he would have been nicer to me, "yes sir, yes sir". We laughed. When I pull in the lot with my truck he kind of cut me off. I hadn't said anything to him about it prior to his comment.

My experiences in Wilson, NC without issue: Pets Smart, Target, and Starbucks.

At a Goldsboro, NC Subway last week and a girl behind the counter said "Oh man, you got a gun." I asked her if there was an issue with it (non-confronting), she said "No" and didn't seem interested in why I had it. No opportunity to educate. Funny the other guy behind the counter screwed up my order, which I offered to pay for because it was really my error, but he gave it to me without charging me:lol:

Have you OC'ed in Lowes Food or Food Lion (Rt42)?

Carrying an OD Glock23 SerpaII.


Regular Member
Oct 16, 2009
I had to go to the local SuddenLink (cable) office today to get a new DVR for our the room we are renting in the house. When I got to the door, I notices a sign that said "Concealed Weapons Are Prohibited in this Office"

TWC on Atlantic in Raleigh is posted no weapons.

So I go back lock my piece in the trunk and come back inside. I finished my equipment switchout (similar issues to yours) and asked to speak to a manager. She prattled on about everything from options not to come into the store to preventing workplace violence etc. She offered to have one of their security staff contact me and I got a call the same evening from a high ranking risk assessment type manager. The guy was former LEO and very cool. I asked him how many robberies or shootings he thought a sign like that could prevent and he said "probably zilch!". But he said he thought the genesis of the policy was insurance underwriting related and the chances of getting the signs removed were also zilch. He specifically recalled the success we've had with Harris Teeter and congratulated us on that effort.